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Tender specifications

The tendering process is appropriately processed to reduce the opportunistic behaviour and to enable the participation of SMEs and the IPRs allocation/sharing model that is best suited for the subject matter.

Invitation To Tender notice and Q&A publication: the task is aimed to define the tender package for the start of a PCP procurement, the publication of the Contract Notice marks the start of the tendering procedure;

Phase 1

  •  Evaluation of submissions and contracts award: the evaluation criteria will be based on the most economically advantageous offer criteria. The awarded suppliers will be requested to provide all the administrative documents necessary to sign a contract with Italian public administration;
  • Assessment of successful completion: a technical End Phase Report shall be submitted by the suppliers, which shall contain the detailed description of the performed activities and the obtained Phase 1 results, with reference to the solution design of the innovative solution concept proposed in the original bid, as well as a business/commercialization plan.

R&D providers who successfully completed Phase 1 are invited to bid Phase 2

Phase 2

  • Evaluation of submissions and contracts award: all valid tender submissions will be evaluated against the criteria stated in the Invitation to Tender. The best scoring Phase 2 offers are awarded a Phase 2 contract. Each contract will state the terms and conditions of the work, including the deliverables, milestones and financial payment schedule. The winning providers will develop a prototype and will test this in lab condition;
  • Assessment of successful completion: an End of Phase 2 Report shall be submitted by the suppliers, which shall contain the description of the prototype developed in Phase 2, with the additional details and deliverables set forth in the Phase Contract.

R&D providers who successfully completed Phase 2 are invited to bid Phase 3

Phase 3

  • Evaluation of submissions and contracts award: all valid tender submissions received will be evaluated by each member of the Committee against the criteria stated in the Invitation to Tender. The evaluation will be based on the best value for money criteria;
  • Assessment of successful completion: an End of Phase Report shall be submitted by the suppliers, which shall contain an analysis of the outcome of the product testing, providing the additional details and deliverables set forth in the Phase 3.
  • Recommendation on Interoperability / Standardisation: During phase 2, R&D providers will be requested to actively participate at the Interoperability / Standardisation Working Group. A Report shall be prepared, together with a selection of TAC (Technical Assessment Committee) members and possible guests, for examining interoperability / standardization issues.


Tender documentations

Carried out under Italian law between 2018 and 2021, the PCP will include three phases (see the details here)  :

  1. solution exploration and design
  2. prototyping
  3. field-testing

Companies wishing to submit an offer are now welcome to view the request for tenders (available here) and put forward their proposals by 20 September 2018. A pdf of the full tender documentation can also be viewed here and questions can be addressed to